I’m a Human Potential Life Coach & Holistic Practitioner.
I believe that it’s our birth right to live a life of abundance, freedom, health & vitality, joy & embodied happiness that’s overflowing with love.
I believe we came here to create the life of our dreams and manifest our personal paradise on earth. I believe we deserve to thrive and we are meant to thrive on this planet.My mission is to bring enlightenment, empowerment and freedom to humanity.
And this mission starts with YOU, beautiful soul!
Your freedom, your enlightenment and your empowerment!
I’m here to help you, guide you and keep you accountable at every step into your transformative journey. We’ll use the best tools, hack, systems and alchemical processes available on this planet while supporting your inner heart wisdom to emerge so it can take the lead you into a coherent life that’s fully aligned & ignited.
I was born in Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic, where I lived a traditional Dominican life surrounded by my family.
At the age of 7, the beginning of a new adventure began when my family decided to move to Montréal, Canada.
From a young age I had a deep interest in personal development, spirituality and alternative healing.
With a deep compassion for humanity and animals, I became a vegetarian at 18 years old and developed an acute interest in different ways of living that respected life on this planet.
This quest launched my curiosity and continuous studies in different body-mind systems that still last until this day. Studying numerous systems like the yogic systems, traditional Chinese medicine, energy healing, energy psychology, yoga, qigong, shamanic healing, plant medicine, herbalism and naturopathy.
Being of a natural expressive and artistic nature I studied and worked for over 10 years in the media and entertainment business as on-camera talent, actress, model, radio reporter and presenter. To this day acting and the cinema are among my passions.
But while I looked happy and looked like I had my sh*t together on the outside, always busy working on new projects, internally I was deeply unhappy, lacking grounded self-confidence and self-love. I carried unprocessed social traumas stemming from childhood bullying, rejection and other ACE.
I was filled with self-loathing and shame, which resulted in me battling on and off depression and an eating disorder for the entirety of my 20s. As the symptoms of my eating disorder dissolved, I became relieved. I was so ready to leave that decade behind me, thinking the worst was behind me, little would I know that things would take an even more serious turn in my 30s.
At 29, I faced the sudden death of my father, followed by the loss of both of my grandparents with whom I’d grown up with, and the end of an 8-year romantic life partnership.
These 4 major events in my life in such a short period were the start of a whole new journey.

Like all the Master Alchemists before me, I’ve transformed these shadows into light and returned from my hero’s journey with some powerful medicines of consciousness and light that are ready to be served and shared with my tribe.
This quickly propelled me into massive deep healing and transformation, allowing me to cure a lifelong affliction of on & off depression and the residues of my eating disorder. From that moment on, I would journey with this medicine multiple times and meet various traditional healers around the world.
For four years I fully dedicated myself even deeper into my own healing journey, immersing myself in the shamanic and alternative healing world. Along my journey, I encountered many allies and modalities that helped me heal and transform a deep cellular level. Getting initiations in various traditional medicines likes Kambo and alternative modalities. My dedication bore fruits as I successfully healed myself, not only from the root causes of these depressive states but also of anxiety, chronic fatigue & inflammation, Crohn’s disease and C-PTSD. This healing journey enabled the transformation and rewriting of deep emotional wounds, traumas and toxic limiting beliefs such as of unworthiness, of not being enough and of core insecurity into new supportive & empowering core beliefs that made me the sovereign being that I am today.
This spiritual encounter also propelled me into an evolution that would reconnect me to my core and real essence, shedding masks after masks of suffering and coping mechanisms to finally reconnect to my divine essence and true being. During a journey in May 2017, I was shown a vision that would change my life: my soul’s mission. I saw a detailed plan of my prophecy and my role as an activator of the divine heart and how I would participate in the elevation of humanity’s consciousness and be an active player into the elevation of light into this planet and ignite the activation of people to their full human and spiritual potential.
I can proudly say that I graduated from this deep spiritual initiation as a fully empowered woman that knows her worth, enoughness, unconditionally loves herself, feels secure who now stands with confidence and who’s walking her path completely aligned body-mind-spirit.
Like all the Master Alchemists before me I’ve transformed these shadows into light and returned from my hero’s journey with some powerful medicines of consciousness and light that are ready to be served and shared with my tribe.
Along my journey, I encountered many allies and modalities that helped me heal and transform a deep cellular level.
In 2017, I was initiated in the traditional Amazonian medicine, Kambo and launched my Kambo & Holistic healing practice.
I serve the community with presence, love, care and professionalism.
I have also trained in various holistic therapies like Biodynamic Breathwork and Trauma Release, Yoga, Meditation, Tantra, Touch for Health, Hypnotherapy, PSYCH-K©, NLP, Neuroplasticity methods, Biohacking and Holistic Coaching giving me a well rounded understanding of human contractions into the Body-Mind Field and acquire systems, tools and hacks to overcome and thrive.
Wanting to serve with all my talents I decided to complete my Life Coaching certification. After some intense training I graduated in 2020 from the Human Potential Institute. I’m now deeply passionate about guiding people back into their true nature of inner body-mind harmony, deep core embodiment and blissful freedom so they can manifest the reality of their dreams.
I practice what I consciously preach and I’m living proof that what I offer truly works.
I help you rebuild yourself after hardship and completely transform oneself to a fully actualized, vibrant and happy, BEST version of yourself; someone truly unstoppable.
I merge various styles of coaching, methods and techniques that would be best suited for my client’s journey. I specialize in holistic optimization, emotional alchemy, embodiment presence & somatic releasing, mindfulness hacks, activating your new success mindsets, creation of aligned habits and positive subconscious rewiring that supports your transformation.
Working to transform the subconscious mind is truly one of my greatest joys as this has been one the most powerful ways to quickly transform and upgrade my life and the lives of my clients. Truly, subconscious work is the key for success in all areas of our lives. We manifest our subconscious mind and our subconscious programming!
A simple equation that we can transform in minutes in a coaching session so you can regain your conscious sovereignty.
Beyond just coaching mindset, heartset or spirit-set I’m dedicated to bringing a RADICAL alignment to my clients so they can become limitless, fully unleashed & unstoppable. Alignment of the body, heart, mind & the subconscious!
Your inner and outer sovereignty is your birth-right and it’s time to step into it. Starting by unplugging you from the negative inner-mind matrix that keeps pushing into playing those old outdated programs, stories of suffering, limitations and instead transforming them into supporting deep core new beliefs and life changing habits that will upgrade your reality inside and out. It’s time to END once and for all those negative or destructive self-sabotage patterns and instead replace them with new positive and supportive ones that create your human potential and radical expansion.
I love partnering with my clients so they can self-actualize and reach their full potential fully aligned: body, heart, mind and spirit.
This is more than just Conscious Transformational Coaching, this is the beginning of your expansion revolution into your GREATNESS, what I call your bliss activation & bliss alchemy!
In service,
Some fun facts about me:
I’m trilingual: I’m fluent in Spanish, English & French
In my astrological chart you’ll find: Sun: ♒️ Moon: ♈️ Mercury: ♒️ AS: ♎️
I’m the proud mama of a fur baby named Foxy, but her full name is Foxy-Lady. She’s a joyful 12-year-old, nine-pound Pomeranian.
When I’m not coaching my clients, I love doing yoga & meditation, traveling the world (BIG passion), reading (I’m a big nerd), salsa dancing, researching and learning new biohacking tricks, Netflixing and eating at restaurants with my friends and family.
I love Netflix and my favorite shows to binge are This is Us, Stranger Things, Sense 8, The OA, Atypical, Black Mirror, Mad Men, New Girl, The Mindy Project, Supernatural, Jessica Jones, Sex Education, & Orange is the New Black.
I’m a big nerd who loves to read. I’d tell you my favorite books but there are too many to count!
I’m also a true cinephile, so no favorite movies either!
I do have a favorite Ninja Turtle, though. MichaelAngelo!